Saturday, 31 May 2014

Talking to someone with dementia ..


* introduce yourself,even if it feels awkward
* Go at their pace.
* Use humour and smile.
* Accept inappropriate answers or no nonsense words.
* Use visual cues for direction.
* Gestures also work .


* Argue or questioning about a word or statement.
* Ask them the reason or try to problem solve.
* Say"Don't you remember that".
* Correct their ideas or punish them.

Hope this information will help you when you visit a friend or loved one.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The brain is able to do many wonderful things....

If your brain has adequate nutrients & your body has plenty of exercise & some necessary mental
stimulation, along with healthy socialization, then your brain and body will be in balance.
The neurons will be content and new connections will continue to be formed. Remember
that your brain regulates every single function in the body such as breathing to circulation and many more.....
Tha brain uses approximately 20  % of the body energy- energy and oxygen...
Next week , I will talk about the gray matter and some signs of malfunctions in the Brain...and perhaps needs your Doctor's point of view and advice.

Make a great week!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Try to maintain a healthy body weight even when dining out.....

When you dine out - it is difficult to stay within your moderation dietary and budget limits.. Here is a Tip List..

1. Before dinner drinks add calories and cost to your evening/ luncheon.
2. Leave the buns / bread in the basket.
3. Skip the soup- sodium city.
4. Enjoy the salad- use half of the salad drg.
5. Sides- order veggies instead of pasta.
6. Main course- you could order 1/2 portion.
7. If ordering pasta- order tomato based sauces in lieu of the cream sauces, top with seafoods.
8. Share a divine dessert. ( one dessert, two forks)

I am sounding like a "Debbie Downer" but you and your belly will be happy in the long run.
Have a wonderful week!