Saturday, 11 June 2016

What are you Grateful for ?

It's is important to consciously and consistently seek and  attract the happiness that we all desire.

What are you grateful for?

Once you have grasp the idea of the power of gratitude consistently-  it will occur naturally.
And it can become as simple or complicated as you would like to make it. This is tangible evidence of the 'power of gratitude'. If you are ungrateful and  have not grasped this evidence of the power
of gratitude. Perhaps you might notice the wisdom and truth is in the following statement :

"For those who have , more will be given -and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away"

Choosing to focus on what you are grateful for will be far more advantageous than dwelling on the ungrateful and negative aspects . It's a feeling and a state of mind.

The power of gratitude will influence other aspects of your life in an extremely positive way.
                                   Good luck in achieving abundance and happiness!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

"Mind your Manners"

  1.                                                     "Mind your Manners"

How many times as you were growing up, did you ever hear that statement? 
There are many areas in life where manners are extremely important:
          1. Telephone manners - how you express yourself  will voice who you  are..
          2. Table manners - will make for a pleasant meal and you company.
          3. Conversations -  it is a form of communication and is very affirmative.
          4. Professional manners - respect the dress code & telephone answering etiquette.
          5. Social etiquette - if you respect others then others will respect your preferences.

         Conclusion: Following basic manners throughout your life will be of great  assistance to you.

         Above all : Be thoughtful and cheerful and helpful to others & respect their privacy at all time


Saturday, 30 April 2016

The Pursuit of Contentment

Searching for contentment and well- being throughout you life. This journey will require necessary legwork in order to achieve your goal. Your perspective in your life must be changed, without modifying your life and making mammoth changes . Expecting nothing, and leaving greed aside will provide great tools for accessing the state of contentment. Remember to genuinely believe in favourable concepts during your daily happenings.

Create a list of 25 items that you would like to do throughout the year .
At  beginning of day prepare a list of two things from that list that you would like to experience or accomplish on that day.

At the end of each day write down three occurrences or thoughts that you are grateful for during your day. Learn to appreciate the "value of doing nothing" on a daily basis  during a ten minute hiatus.
This will make space for more productive time in your life.
Try to have a day each week or at once a month where you have no essential duties, still permitting family  time and time for friends and yourself.

( back next week)