Friday, 19 August 2011

Brain Mythology-Do you believe in myths?

'Hippo' has been reading a great deal lately about brain fitness in general. So she will share what she learned. "Have you ever heard of this myth? - that you only use about ten percent of your brain. You actually use all of it,in its universality. This myth has been around for along time and neuroscience discoveries have been misinterpreted by both professionals and lay people alike and have kept the myth strengthened. But the truth is that we use our total brain every day. Another myth is if one suffers brain damage, that it is always permanent. It takes courage to challenge such a myth, but this myth has been discredited over the past twenty years. The myth has been difficult to dispel, as there is not enough about the brain that has been fully comprehensible in the past years.In recent years scientists have learned far more and are now able to discredit this myth. The third myth is that a person's personality will indicate to the rest of us, whether or not they have right or left brain dominance. The myth is that the tendency for the right brain dominance people are more creative/intuitive and the left brain dominance people are more like problem-solvers/logical.The brain hemisphere's roles are not quite so cut and dried as previously thought. The two hemispheres are highly complimentary.
Tomorrow is Saturday at the cafe. Most of the group thought that we should start sharing brain fit recipes amongst ourselves,so that is on the agenda for tomorrow for us to begin this project, and we'll certainly not forget to share with you.."

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