Monday, 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas-I am on holidays right now so you won't hear from me until New Years Eve.. when I will return to blogging regularly. Enjoy the holidays as I am and this big guy !

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Waiting with anticipation......

My artificial Christmas tree is unique. The Christmas tree that you choose says a lot about you and how you view the world on a daily basis. Most people want to choose the very perfect tree-so they can have a perfect Christmas. If I were a tree, I would not want to be under such pressure at such a special time of the year. That is why I seem to end up with a Charlie Brown tree quite often, real or artificial. It's very unassuming and it is a tree that needs me. It can be the most beautiful, unexpected tree with magical properties in our busy world.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

A tree at last !

I was going to go out to buy a new tree but a kind lady heard about my story of the empty tree box and offered her tree which she no longer wished to put up in her new smaller dwelling. I did not have the heart to say no, so tonight I will decorate a tree that belonged to someone else-a new experience for me . I am very happy as time is getting rather close to Christmas and she is thrilled to give her tree a  new home. Maybe, I will become attached to this tree. We will wait with anticipation. As she was bringing the tree to my office today which is located downtown 4 people stopped her and asked her if this was going to be Hippo's tree. She said "yes"but did not know any of them and they offered to take the tree and carry it home for Hippo. Sensibly she said "no thank you" as she was still not sure about what they were about.-Then about 2 minutes later two street people wanted to know if they could have the tree. Of course she said that it was spoken for.. already. She came into the office with a grin and stated that it had turned into a very happy venture bringing this tree from her home to my office. My 4 friends came back to my office about 1 hour later and asked in the presence of several people(including the lady that gave me the tree) if they could take my tree home for me as planned and of course, I said yes. she silently grinned.........

Monday, 19 December 2011

Creativity is communicable....

Sharing of ideas breeds new ways of thinking and it can present some positive alternative points of view. Plainness can be appealing.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Creativity -An Idea lives on...

I have been creating a Christmas miniature village this afternoon. I will post the pictures tomorrow evening when completed. Did you know that creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes? Without fear of failure can be liberating for your externalizing. If you experience anxiety while creating then this will restrict you from expressing your ideas and opinions so "pull up your socks" and get on with it... Don't think too much with creativity-You can't try to do something creative-just do it. Some time bad ideas develop into something good. Ideas are always knocking around in our head-so know what you want and go about your task.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

To each their own..

Coffee time , today was a positive bit of socializing as usual and enjoyed by all. "Unshelved" appears to be in fantastic control of his life now and actually enjoying everything he does and is not as dependent upon his family for support in most areas. As he mentioned they also have lives of their own to tend to and nurture so he feels he and the family now have a happy balance established. "Aurora" has many adventures that she shared with us but due to confidentiality they will have to remain under the rug so to speak.. Such a good story teller and sense of humour. "Alveus" was saying that he is enjoying the Rainbow club and many of their outdoor activities such as hiking and cross country skiing. He is just blossoming with his new found comfort zone. "Seahorse"? is still contemplating about the Christmas gifts that he is going to purchase-He is doing a little over analyzing, I think..I was going to decorate my tree tonight but when my friend and I opened the box that it had been in-it was empty to my surprise. I had forgotten that I had discarded it last year after Christmas with full intentions to buy another. Why did I keep the old carton? I will never know -so next on my agenda is to buy another tree.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Tomorrow is a coffee gathering.. last evening's Christmas Lights..

I will let you know what everyone has been doing and how it's all coming together for Christmas.
Talk to you tomorrow evening..Have a fun day tomorrow.. The Christmas lights were wonderful and we were able to see the home where a son has created a tribute to his mother by decorating for Christmas with 100,000 lights.
(Imagine the electricity bill..) Candy Cane Lane was also very beautiful.. The Legislative grounds were fantastic. We saw settings done with a serious flair
and many with humour. Such a variety of decorations. On the lions bus we drank hot chocolate and sang carols and munched on delicious homemade cookies-Thank you Jacquie. .Jeannie and Ernest and of course the boss.. the "chef"-whoever made the cookies and prepared the delicious hot chocolate.
There was also much chatter between the oohs and aahs...
Very few dwellings in lighted areas were away to the south for the winter.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Making friends

Hippo is reminding you not to get too defensive at a gathering over something that could likely be your own issue. Try to find some friends near your own age at a party. Pay attention to people -individuals like that. Be genuine.... Swearing or cursing can be very unattractive, so do not ....Avoid self destructive  moments or thoughts and avoid putting others down. Don't say something ,just to sound smart or funny. In conversation, ask the people about themselves.

Good luck with your Christmas and New Years socializing.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

To socialize or not to socialize

Hippo suggested that when you socialize, you should be light hearted - just be yourself. Even if you are feeling down ,there is always something to smile about. Signs of encouragement let people know that you care about what they are saying-using optimistic words that will make others realize that you are genuine. Don't overdo with the smile. Say hello to folks that appear to be very quiet. Listen more than talking too much.
Above all, respect everyone, no matter what they think or say. More tips tomorrow evening. I am going out to socialize and shall try some of these methods.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Hippo has tried a couple of other methods but finds this one very successful for giving her a boost to get into the "Christmas Spirit"
1.  Shop early,  and at the same time you could wish people Merry Christmas with a smile.
2.  Donate to your favourite charity
3.  Do some kind gesture for a friend ( eg.bake cookies) or
    (wee visit to a shut-in)
4.  Play Christmas music
5.  Volunteer a day or two during the holiday season
6.  Read a Christmas story
7.  Do not overspend
8.  Decorate even a wee bit
9.  watch a Christmas movie or two
10.Begin some new Christmas tradition ( your own Idea) never too late- If you aren't going to family for        
     Christmas day then arrange with a friend to go out for brunch or dinner. Enjoy!

Christmas spirit is about kindness and love,not about shopping and how much you spend....

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Happiness is free..

How many of you dwell on the negative? Why? Learn to appreciate the little things in life. Just before bed time, try and think of 5 positive results during your day. Write them down in a journal (notebook)also record why they were happy or positive situations. Now enjoy this little project. Don't forget to hang out with positive folks. Negative types will pull you down. Listen to others and their stories along each day. Be supportive !
I hope everyone who is celebrating Christmas has used this weekend to it's fullest for some of your preparations. I bet they, the elves of course are working frantically at the north pole.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Bad Mood Days...

Everyone feels down and depressed sometimes. Learn how to keep yourself happy.
Talk to friends or parents and tell them how you feel. You will be surprised how this will make you feel somewhat relieved.
Do something you like to do-Read, listen to music, exercise.
Hang out with people that you enjoy.
Keep a journal and write your best memories, achievements, and successes in it. When you feel down down try and read it.
Create a mood chart and try and and figure out what puts you into the bad mood on these certain days. Good Luck !

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Excellent reason to exercise your brain...

Hippo offers these suggestions for your brain exercises:
Some good brain exercises are a person going to the museum or the theatre, listening to music or a musical concert. Reading is also excellent for the brain and most stimulating activities. It will help reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease or the risk of mild cognitive impairment. This information is backed up by a study
that has been carrying out  trials and now has results. So please exercise your brain as the impact of loss will definitely affect you and your  family's  quality of life.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Music is good for the brain... and soul

Classical music or rock and roll or jazz is good for the soul. Music therapy is a frequently used tool for acquired brain injuries. Cognitive therapists use music for cognitive  remediation.(the action of remedying something). This is a process that is used frequently by therapists. Music provides rhythmic stimulation, and singing along is good for the speech. Listening to music can assist in distraction from pain and calming music for contributing to well being. The musical memory seems to be very resilient making it the form of memory that is most effervescent of all of the memories.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Enjoy some festive laughter !

Laughter has many benefits so use it in order to reduce the holiday stress.

1. Laughter relaxes the whole body and removes physical  and emotional tension and stress.

2. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins
(natural feel good chemical) so you have over all sense of well being.

3. Laughter increases immune system thus reducing stress hormones.

4. Laughter protects heart due to increased blood flow so it assists  with cardiovascular system.

    Make an effort over the hectic season to laugh and or see some humour in some situations.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Are you feeling stressed with the holiday season beginning?

Hippo has a few tips for you to reduce stress:

1. Take a walk
2. Try meditation
3. Take a nap
4. Learn how and when to say no to someone demanding of your time.
5. Keep a diary
6. Listen to music and try and relax
7. Cut down on your commitments
8. Laugh and enjoy

Try some of these tips-I bet that they will help you.