Saturday, 29 March 2014

Are you a Worry Wart?

Worrying can be a poison!

Let's take some steps to help end your chronic worrying.....
1. Bore yourself calm
2. Make yourself uncomfortable while worrying.
3. Stop the clock- worriers have a sense of urgency
4. Cry out loud.
5. Talk about it and try and get to the root of the issue
6. It's never as bad as you think it will be.
Will I ever come up with a solution? 
Hippo has great faith in you!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Do you ever think negative thoughts?

10 tips to overcome Negative thoughts:  Positive thinking made possible...

Make an effort!

1. Smile
2.Meditate or do yoga
3.Change your thoughts from negative to positive
4.Surround yourself  with positive people
5.Help someone.
7.List 5 things that you are grateful for at this very moment.
8.Do not play the victim- take responsibility for your actions including words.
9.Remember- no one is perfect- so get on with the positive
10.Take heed-Watch your thoughts, they become words,Watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Have a great week and stay positive!.............Hippo