Monday, 31 October 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

That expression is one that we have heard again and again. Hippo was stressing to the rest of the coffee group that laughter and having fun was extremely important  to body and brain health. Seahorse said that his stress level decreases dramatically after one of our parties. Hippo mentioned that parts of our brains that use the "feel good" chemical called dopamine  are stimulated by humour . Aurora was mentioning that socializing  may have a protective effect on our brains because it is a form of mental exercise. Not only does interacting with people stimulate our brain but it can also keep each of us sharp.  Unshelved stated that dealing with people can be challenging but he feels that his blood pressure is lower after his volunteering at the library. Alveus piped up with a tidbits of information she had read about socializing with another person at least 10 minutes a day would be just as effective as a traditional kinds  of mental exercises in boosting memory and performance intellectually and also people that chum in groups are less likely to experience cognitive decline. So that is certainly a relief for the coffee group but Hippo reminded us that it is a continuous combination of many different facets of healthy living that must be pursued daily.

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