I sure hope you have some plans for Saturday. It is fun to look forward to a pleasant and interesting day ahead. If you visit a market or go to a show with a friend maybe you will go for a treat in the mall or maybe lunch or a dinner. You may meet an old friend or maybe you could just 'people watch'. Ask a friend to go for a walk and then maybe back to your place for tea or go to a craft sale, art gallery or museum. If you want to go window shopping or the real thing choose if you wish just for a quiet day or to meet someone else to go along with you..
Anticipation is an emotion made of pleasure and excitement. So remember to have a great day on Saturday.
I am meeting 'Seahorse','Unshelved', 'Alveus' and 'Aurora' for coffee and then we're going the market
to peruse it for fresh green vegetables for the salad we are preparing and taking to a fund raising potluck.

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