Thursday, 19 July 2012

Brain medicine = nutritious food

Balancing act
Food is as powerful a medicine that science can design. Your brain and body requires consistent healthy nutrition.
One of the first places you can improve upon your dietary habits is in the restaurant(fast-food)area.
So many of us eat a standard canadian diet which has far too many refined carbohydrates, too much bad fat and too great a quantity:
Try this quiz..
1.Do you want to go "go large" with your order? It is only 39 cents.
2.Do you want fries?
3.Do you want an appetizer?
4.Do want to begin with rolls or breads?
5.Do you want dessert?
6.Do you want a drink?Perhaps a bigger drink? It is a much better deal
7.Toys come with children's meals.

Refills, bottomless fries, All you can eat buffets.

What do you all think about that questionnaire?

Monday, 16 July 2012

Handling chronic stress...

Emotional trauma and physical trauma can disrupt brain development and changes will occur that are negative to the brain. People traumatized by floods, fires, earthquakes have been studied and it was learned that it does change brain function.
People become fretful, anxious, and moody and often and may experience headaches, bowel problems,
and anxiety. These  conditions will create stress and kill cells in the hippocampus, one of the major memory centers in the temporal lobes. So, a victim must learn how to handle chronic stress forever or until conquered.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Singing in the shower....

How many of you do? Singing especially in the morning begins your day in a happy way. It will wake you up and help with the rhythms of life and singing also has healing qualities. Singing and music have been connected to intelligence, creativity, emotion and memory. It  stimulates the temporal lobe function, which is the area where the brain is involved with memory. Humming a tune can be also be beneficial .
Singing and humming will help you with your mood. As sound activates your brain you will feel more motivated as your brain also begins to feel tuned into the moment.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Tips for a hot Hot day-

Hippo wants to share some hot tips with you....

1. Keep windows closed except at night
2. Use fans if available
3. Avoid steams
4. Wear cottons -try white clothes
5. Drapes-curtains pulled
6. Use a cold spray frequently
7. Avoid alcohol and caffeine
8. Go to shopping mall or air conditioned office or attraction
9. Frequent showers
10. Eat cool suppers and lunches
11. Drink sufficient water
12. Be kind to your pets
Rover wants to tell you how cool he is......

Sunday, 8 July 2012

You should get more laughter into your life

Did you know that laughter counteracts stress and is good for the immune system. Laughter can lower blood pressure, trigger a flood of endorphins. Laughter lowers the stress dangerous hormones that suppresses the immune system. On the average an adult laughs only about 12 times a day. We need to bottle that ...So put laughter in your life every  day. Watch a comedy, socialize with positive people.

Good luck on your mission-you will appreciate your laughter.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Feed Your Brain Nutritionally

It was realized many hundreds of years ago how important it was to feed your brain healthily. Also dine in a relaxed atmosphere and to be appreciative while dining.  Leonardo  da  Vinci  gave advice on healthy nourishment 500 years ago. If you want to have a great brain and body you must eat nutritionally in order to feed the seventy five trillion cells in the human body. Below , I will list the  9
essential elements that you require for a healthy menu. Good healthy living is a sign of intelligence.

  • Maintaining hydration
  • Eat breakfast
  • Mental stimulation
  • Eliminate the unessential (sugar& sodium,saturated fats)
  • Keep moderation in mind
  • Appreciate and enjoy dining
  • Eat many fruits and vegetables nuts,beans, whole grains, daily
  • Avoid completely all trans-fats
  • Minimize additives, processing and preservatives 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Do you you want to age healthily?

"Healthy aging" will make the process much easier if you make an honest effort connect to all the dots.
One of the critical missing links in fitness programs is the lack of  "Poise and Balance" as part of the programs. This can create a great risk due for injuries from falls. "Physical equilibrium = Balance". Physical balance and poise have profound effect on the dignity and grace in our lives.  These are some of the exercises  that  I do on my way to the bus in the AM.

  • Walk on curb edge for a reasonable distance
  • Training devices for balance such as partially inflated balls
  • Move along lightly
  • Be more subtle and delicate in your movements (Poise)
  • Yoga or tai chi
  • Stand on one leg at a time for a good period of time for "you ..

Choose 4 of the above listed exercises and begin training today-You will be much happier each day and it will lower your risk of injury from a fall or illness.
It will increase the amount of oxygen flowing to your brain thus improving you brain.

I will be back to blogging regularly from now on .....Hippo

Sunday, 1 July 2012