Sunday, 27 October 2013

Enjoy a healthy Halloween

Enjoy a healthy Halloween-
It is an occasion  so go with the flow!
It's not all. about candy.

Try a good recipe:

Harvest apple salad:

2& a half cups of mixed greens
1or 2 apples diced
1/4 cup  dried cranberries and also 1/4 cup pecans
1/8 cup diced onion
1/4 to 1/2 cup diced or slice chicken
When ready to serve add a little Dijon or oil/vinegar drg.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Enjoy what you are learning and doing.......

You learn the most from things that you like to do and learn.You don't even know time has passed.
Einstein used to say " I forget to eat lunch as I am so engrossed in my work". It is also important to be passionate towards many things in life such a simple home prepared meal with some of your favourite foods. When a blind beetle  crawls over a surface of a curved branch, it doesn't notice that the track is curved. Einstein was lucky enough to notice what the beetle didn't notice. So do some
of your favourite things and some new things- It's very good for the brain.
Remember that the brain has many purposes.

 Have a great week ----- Hippo

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Tips to achieve "Body and Brain Wellness = Balance"

1.  Try and decrease your multitasking.
2.  Eat breakfast - protein/and easily digestible foods
3.  Exercise-40 min a day-physically
4.  Meditate
5. Think positively
6.  Sleep - good night's sleep
    7.Exercise your brain

Have a balanced week - Hippo

Sunday, 1 September 2013

How to make another person's day !

I love life....!

1. Feel "UP " around other people

2.Pretend they love you-walk into a room with those expectations...

3.Stop worrying about others..

4.They do not need to trust me-I am just as fallible as they are....

5.If you are going to gossip , keep it positive.

Have a great week.....The best from "Hippo"

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Stress Management

Stress has become a fact of our lives.We do not always have control over what happens.

A few tips from "Hippo"

1. Breathe easily-inhale slowly,exhale slowly

2.Be calm (visualize) eg. Walking in a beautiful forest..

3.try to smile.

4.Devise a mantra.

5.Min massage your hand periodically during stressful times.

6.Do a puzzle or a little math.

Try these tips for a time and I bet they will help.


Sunday, 16 June 2013

"Read before you eat it"

Misinterpreting Food Labels
I have learned the hard way-at first I believed most  everything that was on the labels -That can be misleading and information -not quite so precise-
"Extra lean" probably better than "lean" which can contain twice as much fat as you should be consuming daily. "Low calorie "label gives you 40 cal.or fewer per serving but "light" hs no strict definition.It could be lighter in colour.."Reduced fat" label has at least  two  grains but not neccessarly
whole grains which are better nutritionally. If it is not a whole grain then the nutrients have been milled out...
More on labels next week-until then       "Read ,before you eat it"

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Are you stressed....?

How do you describe yourself?

1.Do you procrastinate frequently? .
2.Prepare lists of "to do's"chores or errands.
3.How does fitness work into your life?
4.Have you considered a "wellness way" of living each day?

There are some healthy ways to cope with stress
1. Be realistic
2. Shed the superman /woman outfit
3. No-one  is perfect, give yourself a break
4  Don't plan too far ahead

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Are you familiar with Mint... green leafy ?

Today I will talk about "Mint" Did you know that there are a least 25 different species of mentha mint, The mints that we all refer to are from the Mentha genus. Most mints have square stems and grow about a foot tall. They have  flowers atop the stems and are very fragrant. Most Mints have the same nutritional value as greens-fair amounts of calcium and potassium and vit. A and  many other nutrients. Peppermint mint is used medicinally for settling a upset tummy. Dry some mint before flowering and use 2 Tbsp in a tea pot. Steep 5-10 min. and make a cup of tea , Mojita mint-cocktails. There is Apple, chocolate,english, moroccan, banana, orange, lemon, ginger and more......
It is best grown from plants-
Enjoy-be a little adventurous !

Have a happy and mindful week.......Hippo

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Compassionate or not?

Compassion is sometimes regarded as emotional in nature. It is like wishing to assist to help alleviate  another person's suffering-somewhat like "altruism" or perhaps like a "golden rule". Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.... The definition of compassion is to suffer together with...If you have compassion, it is a great virtue.
So , I hope that you work at it each and every opportunity that comes your way.....

Saturday, 18 May 2013

As you age -Are you too trusting?

Seniors that feel this way should be extremely cautious, as it puts you at a risk for exploitation and abuse. In a recent study that has been done, it suggests that many older people have difficulty recognizing  untrustworthy faces. Apparently there is a drop in activity as you age, in the area in the brain that could play a  role of assessing trust and risk. The area is the anterior insula. This area deals with gut feelings that informs and assists in  some decision making . Our risk assessment  area may dissipate somewhat  with age. The vibes that we get (positive or negative) about folks that we meet
may not be as accurate as we age.
So , don't fret about this -just take steps to be extra cautious about your judgement without carrying it to an extreme.

Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to live each day- Mindfully and Healthy and Happy!


Sunday, 5 May 2013

What do you think of yourself?

Your mindfulness requires continuous effort.  Do not let anyone tell you are not good enough, sometimes we try too hard and thinking that we have to do everything flawlessly. This can be tricky.
It is quite fine to be in the present moment, (that is mindfulness)  but we have to remember that we will be distracted many times a day. That is the tricky business coming back to a mindfull mode. Remember each moment is a separate sparkling moment , so do not allow failure to be forever. Each is a new moment.
So just revive your commitment in all moments following a distraction.. Noticing our distractions is not a failure. It should be a great moment.
Enjoy the lovely weather that has arrived. Make a great week each and every day. Talk to you next week.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Each moment we live is a chance to be mindful......

How did being a little more mindful work for you? It worked for me and has also made me a follower of mindfulness.

More tips to assist you along the way:

1. Stress-proof your brain-
stress is at the root of most of our problems..

2. Don't be as mindset as formerly-loosen up and listen to other ideas-be more open minded.

3. Mindfulness is a way of living, not just a practice. You will have more caring and awareness
in everything that you do

4. Anyone can learn to be mindful-it does not require you to change your beliefs and there will be     benefits.

5. In our complex world we need  mindfulness.

6. Think about times that you are most mindful.

Have a great week-and be mindful...Hippo

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Who am I? I hardly know.....

When Alice fell down the rabbit hole -the Caterpillar approached her and ask her "who" she was?
She replied "I hardly know".

How is your "mindfulness" coming along?    I have been practicing.....

Each moment we live is a chance to be mindful and it is so important to be living in the present. That moment will never be repeated again. These are some of the tips that have helped me in the process.

1. Smile in public-you will feel better-energy exchange

2. Notice the position of your body while you are walking or sitting

3. Eat mindfully-think about what folks had to do to grow and produce this food

4. Take a deep relaxing breath now and again and soon it will become a habit.

5. Notice when you are entering a new space or when the hallway will end or turn.

If you practice these tips, you will be on your way to living mindfully.

Make a great week...........  Chat with you next week,,,,, Hippo

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Healthy relationships-socialization

Healthy relationships are vital to maintaining a sturdy brain .

What does a healthy relationship consist of ? ? ?

1. Trust
2. Respect
3. Sharing of similar values
4. Sharing of interests
5. Feel safe and happy
6. Levelness
7. Interactions-serve and return

any other ideas???

That's what Unshelved and Hippo were discussing this week with their friends.. This is what we came up with...

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Life changes when we commit to act....

Wellness tips from Hippo:

1. Calories count , but do not count them.

2. Eat protein every meal and snack.

3. Always eat before you are hungry.

4. Drink water and other healthy fluids -your weight in pounds divided by 2 = ounces of liquid.

5. Eat good fat every meal.

6. Be active as you can be...

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Drink your way to Brain Health

Good nutritious drinks -
water also in moderation....
milk included
Your brain can become dehydrated and that can decrease your ability to
and impair your judgement.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Read a classic....even if you read it years ago...

Brain activity has been  monitored whilst reading pieces by the classic authors and far more
electrical activity occurs at that time. The scientists were able to study each word being read and noticed how the monitor lit up upon unusual words or surprising phrases or difficult sentence structure.This shifted the brain into higher gear. Poetry is a great medium also for brain stimulation.So the classics are extremely useful. They act like rocket boosters for the brain.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Clarity or Confusion?

Life is full of choices.You must be 100 % responsible for your own clarity. Many people have self defeating attitudes.
The word"decide"means to make a decision. At this time you must be careful to consider the options and then make the choice of your direction. Soe people tend to fret over their decision after it has been made-it will lead to confusion . If you were the head of an expedition and floundered as such while leading a group to a destination that would be a great disadvantage to all concerned. If you have researched your material available  pre-making a decision, you have probably made a correct choice.
Some people are not very good at creating clarity but they are excellent at maintaining confusion.

Take charge and make good choices......

Monday, 25 February 2013

How is your "Imagination"?

My imagination is well  and with practice, I am able to use it very positively.

The power of our imagination is very powerful. Even imagining something or doing an activity causes the brain to be activated in the same areas. But I am not undermining the importance of physical activity and keeping fit. Remember , walking at a good pace strengthens the neural connections. Everything , one sees and does and learns changes our brain.. keep that in mind.

This means that as we age ,we can continually improve what we think and who we are. Paying close attention to where and how you are focusing with your mind is extremely important. "Mindfulness" is one of the most important skills that you should develop, if you want a calm and clearer mind.

Talk to you next week on focus and clarity.... Hippo

Monday, 18 February 2013

Let's all work towards a better "Wellness"

or celebrate with friends.....

1. Get to bed at a decent time in order to get sufficient sleep

2. Find a cafe and sit in a nice location and relax so that the atmosphere will
    provide the brain with enough distraction to prompt many more abstract

3. Try to brainstorm...  maybe in the morning when you are fresher..

4. Be kind to someone either by listening or offering kind words of encouragement.

5. Eat nutritiously-a treat never hurts once in a while....

6. Go for a quick walk

  I hope that you are having a great Family Day!

  More next weekend...Hippo

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Confusion on the front line !

We hear many mixed messages about maintaining our  "Wellness and Health" via health tips. If you buy and read those monthly magazines or watch TV, you will be thoroughly confused  by the end of your read or progam.
These are some of the tips that you will read or hear almost every day.

1. Chocolate is bad for the heart- Remember, moderation....
2. Wine is unhealthy- No,  it is alright
3. Eat loads of protein-Cut back on bread to lose weight- No
4. Blueberries , beans, artichokes will not pack the same "oomph"if not in form of food
5. Confusion on what vitamins and supplements one should take..

After seeing these tips-you must be careful of "too much" of a good thing !

Next week -we will talk about what ways to deal with what we see and hear and what many of us
don't know.....

Have a great week ! Catch some sun while it's here