Sunday, 16 June 2013

"Read before you eat it"

Misinterpreting Food Labels
I have learned the hard way-at first I believed most  everything that was on the labels -That can be misleading and information -not quite so precise-
"Extra lean" probably better than "lean" which can contain twice as much fat as you should be consuming daily. "Low calorie "label gives you 40 cal.or fewer per serving but "light" hs no strict definition.It could be lighter in colour.."Reduced fat" label has at least  two  grains but not neccessarly
whole grains which are better nutritionally. If it is not a whole grain then the nutrients have been milled out...
More on labels next week-until then       "Read ,before you eat it"

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Are you stressed....?

How do you describe yourself?

1.Do you procrastinate frequently? .
2.Prepare lists of "to do's"chores or errands.
3.How does fitness work into your life?
4.Have you considered a "wellness way" of living each day?

There are some healthy ways to cope with stress
1. Be realistic
2. Shed the superman /woman outfit
3. No-one  is perfect, give yourself a break
4  Don't plan too far ahead

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Are you familiar with Mint... green leafy ?

Today I will talk about "Mint" Did you know that there are a least 25 different species of mentha mint, The mints that we all refer to are from the Mentha genus. Most mints have square stems and grow about a foot tall. They have  flowers atop the stems and are very fragrant. Most Mints have the same nutritional value as greens-fair amounts of calcium and potassium and vit. A and  many other nutrients. Peppermint mint is used medicinally for settling a upset tummy. Dry some mint before flowering and use 2 Tbsp in a tea pot. Steep 5-10 min. and make a cup of tea , Mojita mint-cocktails. There is Apple, chocolate,english, moroccan, banana, orange, lemon, ginger and more......
It is best grown from plants-
Enjoy-be a little adventurous !

Have a happy and mindful week.......Hippo