Tuesday, 31 January 2012

How brain fit are you?

Hi - Quiz time
It is almost February 1st. This is when your February challenges will begin. Ask yourself each question and answer honestly. Each day I will give you a challenge that will increase your
mental stimulation and physical activity  and also working on your emotional and spiritual well being as well These challenges will  increase your ability to focus better, think more clearly and accurately and remember more.

1. Can you keep up with conversation ?
2. Do you hear sounds clearly and accurately?
3. Do you react quickly to every situation?
4. Can you keep track of moving objects at the same time ?
5. Do you remember appointments?
6. Do you remember daily everyday activities and their order?
7. Do you remember where put something?
8. If still driving ,do you drive safely?
9. Do you find words on the tip of your tongue?

See you in February...

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