Are you able to remember what someone said to you 30 years ago very clearly but where did you place your car keys or leave your debit card at a store in the ATM machine today? Here are a few ways to support your memory as you age.
Eat your fish. It's great for your brain. Vitamin B 12 is essential and is required in many bodily activities.
A deficiency leads to pain, electric shock feelings, sleep disturbances, fatigue, depression and loss of memory. Fish is a great source of Vitamin B 12. Next important ingredient should contain phytoestrogens.
These are found in soy beans, lentils, oats , barley, yams, apples, rice, carrots and pomegranates and many more foods. Quercetin is a natural compound found in many plants. It is a flavenoid and it works on the neurons and increases synaptic conduction and results in better and quicker connections in the brain. These are found in onions, fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains.
This is enough information to digest on a relaxing Sunday. I will talk about Phenol, phytoalism, and more about omega 3 acids..
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