Sunday, 8 January 2012

Importance of Laughter ...

Did you know that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones? It increases the level of health hormones and endorphins and don't forget about our neurotransmitters. Another section that is enhanced by laughter is the antibody area. All of this means stronger immunity and fewer physical effects from stress. Laughter brings the focus away from anger, guilt and stress, and negative emotions.
It connects us with others. Just as a smile or some kindness. It is contagious. So if you have the ability to bring more laughter into your life then, you can most likely help others to laugh a little more and then they will realize that there are benefits to laughter and happiness. By elevating the mood around you, can reduce their stress levels.
Now , you all realize just how important the "quality" of social interaction is to you and your acquaintances and friends.

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