Monday, 30 April 2012

The brain - It,s who we are.

The title is a quote by Dr. Nussbaum, clinical neuropsychologist. The quote is not exact but same meaning. In 1998 it became known that that people at any age could continue to build the brain cell connections. Firstly you have to know how the brain functions and which area accomplishes the task that is at hand. Each of  the brain areas have different functions. The areas of importance for brain fitness are socialization, physical activity, and mental stimulation, spirituality and nutrition. You don.t have do all of these things at once- one step at a time.  Take it in small steps. Those people who are comfortable in their status cling to the same boring daily routine, making few social or spiritual connections will be more affected by dementias.  No matter your age, it's not too late to work at building new cell connections. The brain will react to stimulations at any age. Over the next week or so, I will talk about parts of the brain and their functions.                                      

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