As I understand,we are the only self organisms in this planet. (that we know of) Keep your expectation yardstick set on high and following your schooling continue to learn new things on an on-going basis. The brain will keep developing along the way and it reflects what you do with it. Explore and travel if possible even if it is small short jaunts. Adapting to new locations makes you more aware of your surroundings. Make some new decisions. Again, I remind you to make your own decisions and learn from your mistakes. That way, you are training your brain and not someone else's. Develop and nurture stimulating friendships. Maintain them as we are social animals and need social interaction. Last but not least,laugh often especially to cognitive complex humour which can be stimulating and full of twists.
Don't just read my blog to read it, try and practice with a new bit of the information daily and apply it and it will eventually become an internalized habit.
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