Monday, 23 April 2012

Overcoming negative stereotypes...

      .... is every week....
Hippo and group were chatting at coffee on the weekend about just that topic and decided it is not as easy as it looks to overcome the negative aging stigma. We decided that it is best to focus on positive role models. The media has a profound effect on the way we are categorized into roles including age as a social role. Negative stereotyping and age affects the elderly and creates negative expectations and fear. The media also alarms the young about aging in the future. Advertisements only advertise pharmaceuticals and special aids to assist infirmity. So we decided that we should apply our wisdom by delving into how some great and wonderful people from all walks of life fulfilled their aging years. Focusing on positive images is imperative. There are many elderly people who stand out in a crowd in an inspiring way. If you are not already passionate about a subject, it is never too late to discover an area to channel your passion. So do not despair-there is an fine art to aging. So perhaps, one should do a little research on someone that you know or admire and find out some of their secrets as they make journey through their senior years in such an inspirational way.

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