Monday 25 June 2012

Slacking off... summer hours

Definition of a slacking off has both a positive and a negative connotation. The positive meanings are moving peacefully and slowly. Not tense; loose, slack muscles and not taut. The negative sides to this word are not the most flattering way to be described. Lacking firmness, flaccid , lack of due care and diligence.
I only like the positive part of this definition-it is good to relax now and again and take time to smell the flowers. I have planted a garden on my balcony  in containers and I very pleased with the outcome -even nurturing 1 plant or  a cat or dog or fish-it gives us a purpose-you should give it a try.

Friday 22 June 2012

Invest in "social wealth"

We all try and prepare for days when we won't be working and so we invest financially. Please , also if you don't do this already, invest in social wealth. That is an abundance of positive and healthy relationships-Firstly it is important to cherish friendships. They are precious and the benefits will multiply many times over through the years. Take some classes-learn a new skill. Dine with others and mentor young people. Surround yourself with positive people. Also tend to improving your listening  skill. A good listener becomes popular in most all . All of these suggestions will help you avert cognitive decline and it will strengthen your immune system.

Monday 18 June 2012

How do you define wealth?

What does "WEALTH "mean to you? Does it mean a huge income, wellness, state of happiness, large house, or to have a purpose? Do you suppose that there is no wrong or right answer?  True there is no correct answer. You cannot tell if  you are rich, if you look in your bank book. It is our heart that makes person rich and it is what one is as a whole. Do not forget who you are and where you came from.....

Sunday 17 June 2012

Traveling with awareness

Do you find your focus wandering? Don't you have to sometimes remind youself to pay attention? Often, I have noticed that and realize it's time to investigate a little deeper into lack of my awareness of my surroundings. What happens is that we slip into auto -pilot and begin drifting along.
Take a deep breath and enjoy life-sometimes you can lose your senses to what pathway you are on and where it is leading you.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Everyone needs some "respite time"

Not quite that age but striving to attend many more reunions
This is just me checking in after having celebrated my "50th Nursing Reunion" in Ottawa, Ont.. I don't know where to begin-It was a wonderful, fantastic time in my life.  As of Sunday PM , I will begin writing regularly again -Talk to you soon.Hippo