Friday 26 August 2011

Friday is treat night at my house!

Hippo received her'Light Cooking Magazine 'today in the mail and is preparing to make Brownies with a caramel topping-What could be better than a 'treat' on a Friday or Saturday night? "I have just phoned everyone to come over in 1 hour to eat these scrumptious looking brownies (in picture).So I had better get these ingredients into a bowl and mixed.I need 3/4 cup of flour and 1 cup white sugar,3/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa,1/2 tsp. of baking powder.1/2 cup of brown sugar.
6 Tbsp. of butter,2 large eggs,1 tsp. vanilla. Combine the first 5 ingredients together in a bowl. stir well. Then mix remaining ingredients together and and combine with first mixture. Mix and grease your pan with butter or spray and bake at 350 degrees for 19 minutes.. cool in pan on rack,This the yummy part- Prepare topping,melt 1/4 cup of butter and 1/4 cup of br. sugar and 1& 1/2 Tbsp. milk, cook for 2 minutes,Remove from heat. Add vanilla and 1/2 cup powdered sugar;Stir with whisk and spread evenly over cooked brownies. Let stand for 20 minutes and then combine 2 Tbsp. of milk and 1 square of bitter sweet chocolate that has been somewhat chopped -place in safe bowl and nuke in microwave for 45 seconds on high temp. Then stir and drizzle over caramel topped brownies.It calls for sea salt but some of the group are on a low salt diet, so we will omit this item from the delicious looking Brownies.Cut into squares and devour. The group is just arriving as I am drizzling the chocolate mixture over the caramel topped treat! Not exactly 'Brainfit nutrition' but a treat eaten in moderation, will never hurt one unless of course, it is not on your 'never-never' list. Enjoy!"